Thursday, November 21, 2013

Japanese bread, sweets with bacon

In Japan they think it is strange that the European staple food is bread. How can you work etc. without eating rice, only eating bread instead? The way Japanese people see this, it would indeed be strange.

In Sweden, the staple food is not bread (it is potatoes), though we do eat a lot of bread and breakfast is most commonly bread. What Japanese people call "パン" ("pan", which is normally translated as bread, and what we call "bread" would be called パン in Japanese) would also mostly not fall under the label "bread", but would probably be some form of sweets.

There are of course several types of Japanese bread, but it is mostly very very soft and fluffy, super white, and sweet. I do not think I have seen Japanese bread that did not use eggs in the recipe (while in Sweden, eggs are not normally used in bread, right?). Usually it is also filled with something strange, like spaghetti.

Even though what Japanese people (presumably) consider "not sweet" bread seems like sweets to me, they do also fill the stuff that they classify as sweets with things that to me would be strange to have in sweets. Like the sweet roll in the photo, which is a "ham, cheese, and bacon"-roll, right next to the "custard and chocolate"-roll and "jelly and raisins"-roll.

I like Japanese "bread", but I would not recommend going on a diet consisting mainly of this.


  1. Vi har ju haft "bröddiskussionen" förut och jag håller med.. Jag ÄLSKAR japanskt bröd, men jag skulle nog vilja varva det med t.ex.kavring!! Men jag önskar att man kunde hitta japanskt bröd här!! Speciellt att rosta!!

    1. Jag gillar också japanskt bröd. En gång när jag var i Sverige så sålde de japanska "melon pan" och "curry pan" utanför Östasiatiska Museet. De hade japanskt O-Bon-jippo. Smakade som motsvarande bröd här i Japan :-)

      Men ja, man saknar ju en del svenskt bröd som det inte finns någon liknande mat här.

  2. Om du kan klura ut receptet på sånt där vitt, fluffigt japanskt bröd så får du gärna dela med dig.. så kanske jag kan baka själv.. Och säg inte "fråga Miyuki" för hon bakar inte!! :-D

    1. Jag har ju inget behov av att baka just sådant bröd själv, eftersom det säljs överallt här, men om jag skulle ramla på ett recept så hör jag av mig :-)
