Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Free food, free drinks

On Wednesday I went out for the Sapporo specialty soup curry with one of my colleagues. We then continued on down to One Star Bar, where one of my friends works. I once asked him what kind of omiyage (souvenirs Japanese people give to everyone they know after they have traveled somewhere) he wants in general. Most Japanese omiyage are edible sweets, but my friend does not like sweets. He suggested cup noodles from all over the world. I have given him cup noodles from Sweden, Germany, and Poland.

Now, someone else had given him cup noodles from Hong Kong, and he asked if we wanted to try them with him. We did. They were not that different from cheap Japanese cup noodles.

He also asked me to do some magic for two girls and a man that he also knows. They were very happy with the magic, and they kept buying drinks for me. I could not really find a nice timing to leave, so I stayed three hours or so after my colleague had left with the last subway...

I also gave them a card from our magic bar, and two of them showed up in the magic bar on Friday night, together with another young and very cute girl. Very nice people.

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