Monday, August 25, 2014

Me on TV again: waiting at a traffic light

Some of my friends told me that I had been on TV. There was a program that showed things from the Bon-Odori costume competition, and even though I did not get a prize, I was featured in the program. They showed me dancing in front of the judges (below), and me waiting at a traffic light (above). I love it that they show a ghost just waiting for a green light, haha.

I did not have a chance to see this show myself. I do not have a TV, and it was broadcast when I was still at work. It would have been nice to know what they were talking about when they showed me. Did they say anything funny? The text overlay just says: "The tradition that people from outside Hokkaido do not know about; costume contests at the Bon-Odori."


  1. Du kommer med tiden att bli den mest kände västerlänningen i Japan!! :-)

    1. Det finns en riktig kändis (vars enda jobb är att uppträda på TV i en massa olika program) som är svensk, så det är nog svårt att ens bli de mest kända svensken i Japan... Men jag kanske kan sikta på att bli näst mest känd av svenskar.
