Saturday, August 1, 2015

Difficult puzzles and magician's secrets revealed

I was asked to assemble the six plastic parts above into a cube. It was not so difficult to figure out how this should be done, but it was very difficult to actually put them together like that. It would have been useful to have one more hand.

My Swedish friends and I were enjoying strange puzzles and some food but at around midnight our magic bar called me and said that someone I know was there and wanted to see me. So we left and went to the magic bar instead. There, I found a Polish guy I used to work with when I just arrived in Sapporo. We were in the same lab for two years or so, but now I am in a different lab and he lives in a different city, so we do not meet very often. He was on his way from Kitami to Buenos Aires, It was nice to have a chance to talk to him again.

There is something looking like a fake finger stuck to this box of breath mints with a magnet on a table in a bar we visited. I pointed out that revealing magicians' secrets like this was perhaps improper but was told that "no, it's fine".


  1. Var det den polska killen som hade fru och en son i femårsåldern eller nåt när han bodde i Sapporo? Om det är han så gjorde han en helt underbar liten videofilm om nån resa han och familjen gjorde.. Micke skickade den till mig, och jag minns fortfarande att jag tyckte den var så bra gjord, trots att det är flera år sedan.. :-) Men det här kanske är en annan kille ?

    1. Det låter som Rafal, en annan kille från Polen. Det var typ fem stycken i vårt labbs som var från Polen.

  2. Ok.. :-) Jag minns inte vad han hette.. bara att han hade fru och barn och gjorde häftig video.. :-)
