Saturday, August 1, 2015

Swedish barbecue

Two of my friends from Sweden were in Sapporo for three or four weeks. In Sweden, having three or four weeks of vacation in the summer is very common, but in Japan it is of course unheard of. My Japanese friends that travel abroad either go on very intensive three day trips or they quite their job and go on a trip for a few weeks and then go looking for another job when they come back.

Anyway, since there were so many of us from Sweden here at the same time (three Swedes!) we were invited to a barbecue out near Sweden Hills. Actually, there is another girl from Sweden living out there, but she was not available. The food was great, of course. My friends who invited us have a big garden and just pull up potatoes, cut some edamame or whatnot when they want to eat vegetables, so the food is always very very fresh.

I also got a bear shaped cookie

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