Friday, August 21, 2015

Asakusa in the scorching heat

Everyone takes a photo of the "LIghtning Gate"

Since our meeting was very efficient, we finished long before midnight, and my boss thought it would be good of one of us to show some of the Tokyo sights to our international guest. So I went to Asakusa with our guest.

Now you can see the Tokyo Sky Tree from Asakusa. And the strange golden giant something.

Asakusa is a place in Tokyo that Japanese tourists visit. It has an old temple, and some old buildings that remain more or less as they were long ago (which is not so common in Tokyo). Asakusa (well, most of Tokyo) is also ridiculously hot in the summer, so we kept mostly to the shadows.

From the Lightning Gate up to the temple proper the street is lined with shops selling souvenirs.
The main temple building
A pagoda
A very big slipper
Old buildings
 In Asakusa you can ride rickshaws pulled by young people. Mostly men, but some women also run around with tourists. It looks very hot.

We also found a nice place that served excellent fish. And had very cool air conditioning, which was good.


  1. Jag såg såna rickshaws i Otaru också när vi var där 2012 .-)

    1. Ja, det är ganska vanligt på ställen med inhemsk turism. Det finns också i Kamakura och Kyoto, till exempel.
