Monday, May 4, 2015

Edible presents

There is a group of guests in our magic bar that are good friends with one of the other magicians. They always bring food for him when they visit. And they bring lots of food. A few days ago they had brought 5 cartons of chicken nuggets, 5 hamburgers, lots of French fries, several packs of corn salad, many small cartons of milk, and much more. Slightly more than my magician colleague was able to eat by himself, so I got a small pack of milk. I did not know McDonalds sold milk. It was not that good.

One of my friends also showed up, and she had gifts for me. Since my name comes from the word for "dove" in Hebrew, she had brought the Tokyo omiyage cookie "hato sabure" (dove cookie) for me. It was broken, but tasted fine.

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