Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jonas in Shibuya Yoshimoto Mugendai Hall (Bacarobo 2008)

I just noticed that there is a clip from Bacarobo 2008 on YouTube. I show up at 3:25 in the video with my robots, and again standing in the background from 9:48 or so.

Bacarobo is a competition for robots that make people laugh. The rules are that 1) it has to be mechanical, 2) it cannot have any serious purpose, and 3) it must make you laugh.

In 2008 I was still working on my humor research project (my post doc at Hokkaido University), trying to make software that can recognize if something is a joke or not (works fairly well for simple stuff in English) and software that generates jokes and stand-up comedy.

I set my system to create a two performer stand-up comedy routine, programmed two robots to perform what the system output, and sent it off to Bacarobo 2008. I made it to the final, which was held in the Yoshimoto Mugendai Hall in Shibuya, Tokyo.

Here is my application video for Bacarobo 2008:

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