Thursday, July 2, 2015

500 presentations in one day

Last Saturday I was invited to a yearly event where Japanese researchers split up all the papers from a big research conference among themselves and everyone reads 5 to 10 papers and summarizes what they read. Then on the day of the event, everyone presents the papers they have read to the rest of the people. Since there are around 500 papers at this conference, this means that you get one slide per paper and about 30 seconds to summarize each paper. And everyone has to be quick in the change between speakers.

This year there were about 100 participants from all over Hokkaido that came to our university to participate. There were another 100 or so in Tokyo too, and we connected the two universities by video conferencing. Then from around 9:30 to 18:30 there were more or less non-stop presentations. Very tiring. I presented only three papers, so there was not so much to actually do, but just listening to these hundreds of presentations made me tired. Also, working on a Saturday makes me tired just in itself. There were many interesting presentations, though.

There was a lunch break where we got bentos (lunch boxes) for 700 yen. They were pretty good too.

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