Saturday, February 4, 2012

A famous zombie!

Me at the zombie walk
Today a group of eight fairly young men came to our magic bar when I was there performing. One of them asked me: "Didn't you participate in the Sapporo Zombie Walk three months ago?" Indeed I did. He even had a photo of himself posing with me when I was in my zombie make-up, in his cell phone. Small world. And quite impressive of him to see that it was me, and to remember me.

Me today

I also asked a colleague to take a movie of me doing a silly trick using my t-shirt. I have bought a fair number of t-shirts with animals being cannibals, pigs eating pork, chickens eating fried eggs, cows eating beef steak, etc. Today I wore a shirt with a salmon eating salmon sushi with a sad face. Recently I have started using these t-shirts for magic tricks. These are not very sophisticated tricks, more of a silly gag kind of magic, but they are kind of cute I think. People seem to like them too. Here is the salmon version.

And here is the salmon:

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