Monday, March 25, 2013

Frankfurt airport lounge

We had two or three hours in Frankfurt waiting for our flight to Japan. We managed to get into the lounge after my colleague had had to strip off a lot of clothes in the security check and I had managed to convince the woman in the lounge lobby to let us in. We had tickets that allowed us into the JAL lounge because they were "economy premium". The woman looked at our tickets and saw "economy" and some confusion followed. I explained that we had the same kind of tickets on our way to Europe too, and then we were allowed in so probably they should work now too. She asked when we came here and since that was four days ago she explained that that benefit had expired... Which was not really the point of my explanation. Finally another woman showed up and took one look at our tickets and then let us in. She also checked us in on our domestic flight from Tokyo to Sapporo at the same time.

The lounge had a less impressive selection of food than the Tokyo lounge, but there were some nice sausages, potatoes, bread, and meat balls.

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