Friday, August 8, 2014

Milk Village, a place of whiskey on ice cream

Ice cream with coffee beans and brandy
In Sapporo there is a place called Milk Mura ("Milk Village"). It is a cafe that is located on the 6th floor of an old building but made to look like you are sitting outside as if at a cafe in France.
They serve ice cream with selections of liqueur that you pour on top of the ice cream. We had brandy, whiskey, fruity liqueurs, etc. Once I found Swedish vodka in their selection and had ice cream with Swedish Absolut Vodka.
They also serve you coffee in cups that are strangely but cutely shaped. The cookies are also cute.


  1. Jag bara MÅSTE gå dit nästa gång jag är i Sapporo.. :-) Så där gör jag hemma ibland, häller likör eller nåt över glass.. Gott :-)
