Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Great salmon

After visiting an Ice Hotel that melted one week earlier and then a cafe on the beach that was not open in the winter, my friend had one more suggestion. She wanted to go eat salmon at some famous place nearby. We all asked her if she was sure this place was actually open today, and she said she was insulted that people would not believe her...

As it turned out, the place was open. For 30 minutes after we came. But the food was great! And the view was nice too.


  1. Kanske inte rätta tjejen att använda som guide i trakten.. :-) Men ni fick ju å andra sidan några lite oväntade äventyr istället! :-)

    1. Hon har ändå bott hela sitt liv i Hokkaido och ganska många år i Sapporo. Men främst verkar hon ju ganska dålig på att kolla upp saker i förväg.

      Slutresultatet var ju dock roligt och bra, så det var väl på det hela taget bara positivt.
