Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Not yet beach season

After having gone to an Ice Hotel that had melted a week ago and been slightly disappointed, my friend suggested we go to a cafe she had heard lots of good things about instead. The address to this place was so far out in the middle of nowhere that the car navigation system did not recognize it, but we managed to convince the navigation system to show the way to something that seemed nearby, at least.

Once we got there, it turned out to be a beach. The cafe is located on the beach, and is apparently quite popular in the summers. Since no one in their right mind goes to the beach in the winter around here, the cafe is however closed at this time of the year, haha. So we were slightly disappointed again. Especially since the owner of the car we were going around in had to make the car swim through a small lake of melted snow and do other adventurous things to get us to the beach.

The beach had quite a lot of nice scenery to it, though, so I snapped a lot of photos. I also tried the sea water temperature, and it seemed warm enough to swim if you are from Sweden and strongly motivated. There were lots of strange things on the beach that had floated ashore during the winter. Lots of Russian stuff, and some fairly heavy things like a fridge.

Under the sand there was snow, so lots of sand is washed up on top of the beach/snow/anything when the weather is bad, apparently.

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